The Homeopathic Approach
Homeopath R.S. Saini conducts a one-to-one interview with his clients. The secrecy and confidence of the client are given due regard. On first visit the case taking process normally takes 35 to 40 minutes and can stretch for up to more than an hour for chronic cases. The question answer session enables him to delve deep down in the mind of the sick person. In order to arrive at the best Homeopathic remedy for the individual, Homeopath R.S. Saini carefully notes down the symptoms as narrated by the person and also listens carefully for the stress, tone and style of speech during taking up the case. The sick person's mental state, temperament, attitude towards sickness, mood swings, likes, dislikes, feelings, sensations, fears, anxieties etc. are also used as indicators in order to reach the most suitable and befitting remedy.
Finest Patient Care & Amenities
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Ut wisi enim ad minim dolore
Veniam quis laore nostrud
Exerci tation ulm hedi corper
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Best Homeopathic
Treatment Available
Dr.R S Saini
Homeopathic medicine aims at improving health by self-regulatory mechanisms.

Best Laboratory Tests Available
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Best Homeopathic
Treatment Available
Dr.R S Saini
Homeopathic medicine aims at improving health by self-regulatory mechanisms.

Best Homeopathic
Treatment Available
Dr.R S Saini
Homeopathic medicine aims at improving health by self-regulatory mechanisms.
Cardiac Clinic
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Primary Care
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Emergency Clinic
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Vascular Surgery
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cons ectetuer. Proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet aenean
Precise Diagnosis
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cons ectetuer. Proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet aenean
General Surgery
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, cons ectetuer. Proin gravida nibh vel velit auctor aliquet aenean
Satisfied patients
Health Webinars
Health awareness sessions
Books & articles published
Laboratory Place
In Medical Practice
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Cardiology 0
Oncology 0
Rehabilitation 0
Gynecology 0
Meet Our Team
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Angela Adams
Cardiac Surgery
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Jordan Kelley
Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis laore nostrud exerci tation ulm hedi corper turet suscipit lobortis
Nicole Dixon
Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis laore nostrud exerci tation ulm hedi corper turet suscipit lobortis
Steven Elliott
Ut wisi enim ad minim veniam, quis laore nostrud exerci tation ulm hedi corper turet suscipit lobortis
Contact us for more information or book an appointment
Autistic children treatment with homeopathy.Autism is a disorder with a wide range of severities.
Anxiety disorders affect the behavior, thought process, sentiments on the mental
Depression is a common mental disorder reflected through sad mood, mood swings
Puberty and menopause are two such stages in the life of a woman which need maximum education, awareness and empowerment to handle the situation to let these not effect the health, happiness and harmony of the individual. The two stages